Lashevet: the perfect balance of flavor and quality is what ELIZABETH BLASI for the magazine Tasting Table. She has a lot of other nice things to say as well.

As the title suggests, the piece took a look at the food science that is infused into the Lashevet menu. She noted that Lashevet is a “beloved” and “charming restaurant” that “has a curated menu full of delicious dishes that satiate every palate.”

She delves into the science behind nutrition. She also quoted what Time Out Magazine had to say about Lshevet Restaurant:

Not only are restaurant-goers welcomed with a warm and cozy ambiance, but a menu that has been crafted with the best intention of flavor, quality ingredients, and science-backed expertise

Time Out Magazine New York

The article dives into the management, the concept, the chef, and the food — mostly the food. We’re thrilled and honored to be featured in Tasting Table, and appreciate that they enjoyed their meal.

Click to Read the full article here